
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Beidermeier Sampler Redo

I've always admired the design and motifs of this sampler, but never cared for the mostly dull colors that were charted for it.  I don't know if these were the original colors or if it was charted using the faded over time colors but I thought it could use a little brightening up.  So I decided to change not all, but a lot of the colors to ones that I think are a lot nicer. DMC threads were used.
It won't be done for a while, but I've gotten a good start on it.  
I left the bunny motif alone, but changed the flowers below it to a nice violet color.
How do you like my color changes?  Have you ever done this with an old sampler?  I will show you my progress as I continue to work on it.  
This is the old Burda magazine that the chart came from, I've collected many of these over the years from Ebay and I love them.  I think Permin may have sold this as a chart, also.

A lot has happened since I last posted, we were very sad last February to lose our sweet Maggie.
We had found her living in our shed several years ago, she had given birth to a littler of kittens which we found homes for and then had her spayed.  Eventually she came to live inside with us and the other kitties and she would always show her appreciation with lots of love.  She was such a joy to have with us and we miss her terribly.
On a happier note, here's a picture of Sarah and Tigger locked in a tight cuddle.
Thanks for visiting, I always appreciate it!


  1. Your stitching is extremely beautiful Karen! Beidermeier Sampler is indeed coming along wonderfully!

    Sarah and Tigger look so cute together!


  2. So nice to see a post from you! I've only recently become drawn to these old samplers. I love your color changes! Looks like so much fund to stitch in that palette. I'm always changing colors, but I wouldn't say my choices are always successful.

    Sorry about sweet Maggie. It's nice that you have those two other cuties to love.

    Enjoy the holiday!

  3. Honestly, I flip right past projects done in this type of "primitive" colourway because I really dislike the faded dead-flowers look too. But your new colourway is just fantastic Karen - it's soft and pretty, and the Morning Glory vine at the top is so very lovely!!! The bunny is cute too ;) I'm looking forward to seeing this project bloom in gorgeous new colours!

  4. Oops, I was so impressed with your variation I forgot to mention - my condolences on the loss of Maggie. She was a beauty :) At least you made the last years of her life as happy as possible, she must have had a very hard time of it before you rescued her. Please give Sarah and Tigger an ear scratch for me, they're adorable together ;)

  5. Pretty sampler and I love the color changes you've made too! I've passed up pieces before because of the bland colors, but I am starting to try and change colors every now and again. :) So sorry to hear about Maggie ~ always a sad event. I know she had a good life with you. Such a sweet picture of Tigger and Sarah together.

  6. I love your color choice better. As you know about me.......I never stick to the pattern but always make it look the way I want. Sorry to hear about your kitty. What a sweet photo of Sarah and Tigger! Cant wait to see the finished sampler!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry for your loss of Maggie. And how cute Sarah and Tigger are! I love the colors you chose better! Cant wait to see it when you finish.

  9. You are doing a beautiful colour conversion on the sampler. I never have the confidence to change things around but wish that I did.
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear kitty.
